. ----------------This Gui is remade with more futures-------------------------------------------------, --------------------Thanks to Main creator for some scripts-------------------, ----------------Credits: Unknown,Athoi21,Pro Hacks----------------, game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {, local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui"), local FunctionButtonFrame = Instance.new("Frame"), local ScrollingFrame = Instance.new("ScrollingFrame"), local Mark12 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark13 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark14 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark19 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark21 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark23 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark27 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark28 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark30 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark31 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark33 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Mark40 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local UIListLayout = Instance.new("UIListLayout"), local Mark20 = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Ironlad = Instance.new("TextButton"), local closeSuitFrame = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Title_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local FunctionButtonFrame_2 = Instance.new("Frame"), local UIListLayout_2 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"), local Title_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local closeModsFrame = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Title_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local AutoArrest = Instance.new("TextButton"), local RevizAdmin = Instance.new("TextButton"), local ToogleMask = Instance.new("TextButton"), local FunctionButtonFrame_3 = Instance.new("Frame"), local ImageLabel = Instance.new("ImageLabel"), local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_2 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_3 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local TextLabel_4 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local Title_5 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local CloseHelp = Instance.new("TextButton"), local Title_6 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local FunctionButtonFrame_4 = Instance.new("Frame"), local UIListLayout_3 = Instance.new("UIListLayout"), local Title_7 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local Title_8 = Instance.new("TextLabel"), local i = p:GetUserThumbnailAsync(p.LocalPlayer.UserId,Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarBust,Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420), game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{. Makes you and the player spin crazy,\n[4] unspin -- Use after using spin cmd and dying, so you stop loop teleporting,\n[5] attach [plr] -- You need a tool! ---- DO NOT EXECUTE MORE TIMES UNLESS YOU DIE/GET A NEW SUIT -- -- Make Sure to Re-Execute the script if you get a new suit or get killed. --, -- SCRIPT WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU HAVE A SUIT ON! "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."view ") then, if game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.Humanoid then, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name].Character.Humanoid, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."unview") then, game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = lplayer.Character.Humanoid, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."goto ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."fly") then, repeat wait() until lplayer and lplayer.Character and lplayer.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and lplayer.Character:FindFirstChild('Humanoid'), local T = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, local CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}, local lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}, local BV = Instance.new('BodyVelocity', T), BG.maxTorque = Vector3.new(9e9, 9e9, 9e9), lplayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true, if CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0 then, elseif not (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0) and SPEED ~= 0 then, if (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) ~= 0 or (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) ~= 0 then, BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.new(CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R, (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED, lCONTROL = {F = CONTROL.F, B = CONTROL.B, L = CONTROL.L, R = CONTROL.R}, elseif (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) == 0 and (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) == 0 and SPEED ~= 0 then, BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.new(lCONTROL.L + lCONTROL.R, (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED, BG.cframe = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame, lplayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."unfly") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."chat ") then, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer((string.sub(msg, 7)), "All"), if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."spam ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."unspam") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."spamwait ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."pmspam ") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unpmspam") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."cfreeze ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 10))) do, if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == (prefix.."uncfreeze ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(msg, 12))) do, v.Character["Right Leg"].Anchored = false, v.Character["Right Arm"].Anchored = false, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unlockws") then, local a = game:GetService("Workspace"):getChildren(). Iron Man Simulator 2 Nano Suit Hack (2020) AnonymousTutorials 706 subscribers Subscribe 80K views 2 years ago This is the first video ever with Iron Man Simulator 2 Hack! "; if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("drophats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("droptool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("loopdhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 11) == ("unloopdhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("loopdtool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 11) == ("unloopdtool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("invisible") then -- Credit to Timeless, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("view ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("unview") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("goto ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("fly") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("unfly") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("chat ") then, game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer((string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6)), "All"), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("spam ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("unspam") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("spamwait ") then, spamdelay = (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 10)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("pmspam ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unpmspam") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("cfreeze ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 9))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("uncfreeze ") then, for i,v in pairs(GetPlayer(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 11))) do, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unlockws") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("lockws") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("btools") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("pstand") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unpstand") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("blockhead") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 3) == ("sit") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("bringobj ") then, if obj.Name == (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 10)) then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("wsvis ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("hypertotal") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 4) == ("cmds") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("rmeshhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("blockhats") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("rmeshtool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("blocktool") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("spinner") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("nospinner") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("reachd") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("reach ") then, v.Handle.Size = Vector3.new(0.5,0.5,(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 7))), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("noreach") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("rkill ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("tp me ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("cbring ") then, if (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 8)) == "all" or (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 8)) == "All" or (string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 8)) == "ALL" then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("uncbring") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("swap ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("glitch ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("unglitch") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("grespawn") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("explorer") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("anim ") then, Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://"..(string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 6)), if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("animgui") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("savepos") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("loadpos") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("bang ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 6) == ("unbang") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("bringmod ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("respawn") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("shutdown") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("delobj ") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("getplrs") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 8) == ("deldecal") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 10) == ("opfinality") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("remotes") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("noremotes") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 9) == ("tpdefault") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("stopsit") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 5) == ("gosit") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("version") then, if string.sub(CMDBAR.Text, 1, 7) == ("clicktp") then. .. v:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteEvent", 247, 0, 0, true), if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."noremotes") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."tpdefault") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."stopsit") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == (prefix.."gosit") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."version") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."clicktp") then. '[78] anim [id] -- Applies an animation on you, must be created by ROBLOX'. .. bndfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction"), print(" game." Iron Man Script Takeaway #2 Iron Man Characters Iron Man characters in the script all have origins to the comics, but with some small differences. '[101] version -- Gets the admin version'. | 0.23 KB, Java | CSS | | 17.43 KB, GetText | local mouse = [RELEASE] Roblox Iron Man Simulator OP Script Gui,Kill All And [RELEASE] Roblox Iron Man Simulator OP Script Gui,Kill All And More! . 70% 100. | 10.60 KB, Java | 36,545 . Players. '[6] unattach [plr] -- Attempts to unattach you from a player'. Contents 1 Contents 2 Armor Design | 20.44 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. '[75] grespawn -- Alternative to normal respawn and usually works best for when you want to reset with FE Godmode'. game link: Iron Man Simulator 2 [BETA] - Roblox teleports to players and auto attack script: Code: _G.on = true -- true or false if false then stop loop .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableFunction", 239, 247, 4, true), warn(" game." Swaps players position with yours and your position with players'. '[112] age [plr] -- Makes you chat the account age of the player'. '[122] ;resetprefix -- Resets the prefix to ; incase you change it to an unusable prefix. 57 min ago Teleports you and the player up into the air'. | 20.44 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. | 2.29 KB, Java | .. v:GetFullName() .. " | BindableEvent", 13, 193, 22, true), warn(" game." Will kill the player, use rkill to kill you and player'. | 0.23 KB, Java | IRON MAN [ Las Vegas, 36 Hours Earlier ] Voice over: Tony Stark. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the, -- Welcome to Iron Man Simulator 2 Aristois's Yellow UI --, -- Iron Man Simulator 2 UI Hack Script --, -- Script made By DanPlayz aka Aristois! .. rmtfnctn:GetFullName() .. " | RemoteFunction", 5, 102, 198, true), game.DescendantAdded:connect(function(bndfnctn), print(" game." i found this script which lets you use any suit even the unreleased ones but it got patched Code: game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RequestSuit:InvokeServer("Mark 49") -- -- Script made By DanPlayz aka Aristois! Text = "Click delete has been disabled. '[46] pmspam [plr] -- Spams a player in private message'. Yes: 66: 95.65%: No it sucks, die: 3: 4.35%: Total: 69 vote(s) 100% '[3] spin [plr] -- You need a tool! Never . | 10.60 KB, Java | 16K views 1 year ago Iron Man Simulator 2 UI Hack Scripts: My UI Script: https://pastebin.com/J6FvM5y2 Red UI Script: https://pastebin.com/7u4kE8wq Show more Roblox 2006 Browse game Gaming. Visionary. '[21] jumppower [num]/jp [num] -- Changes how high you jump 50 is default'. '[14] fling [plr] -- Makes you fling the player'. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Text = "Prefix is now "..prefix..". Iron Man Simulator Script GUI Prime Exploits 215 subscribers Subscribe 63K views 3 years ago Like and subscribe, i will be posting more Exploit scripts. "; warn("FE is Disabled (Filtering Disabled) Consider using a different admin script."). The armor is equipped with enhanced nano-structure and is exceptionally more durable and efficient in combat than its base model the Mark L. The armor appeared in Avengers: Endgame as Tony's current suit in 2023. | 2.29 KB, Java | Text = "Prefix is now "..prefix..". Use ;lockws to lock. Support Newgrounds and get tons of perks for just $2.99! "; if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."lockws") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."btools") then, local Clone_T = Instance.new("HopperBin",lplayer.Backpack), local Destruct = Instance.new("HopperBin",lplayer.Backpack), local Hold_T = Instance.new("HopperBin",lplayer.Backpack), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."pstand") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == (prefix.."unpstand") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."blockhead") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == (prefix.."sit") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."bringobj ") then, for i,obj in ipairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants()) do, if obj.Name == (string.sub(msg, 11)) then, obj.CFrame = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, obj.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Left Leg"].CFrame, obj.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Right Leg"].CFrame, obj.CFrame = lplayer.Character["Head"].CFrame, if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."wsvis ") then, local a = game:GetService("Workspace"):GetDescendants(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 11) == (prefix.."hypertotal") then, loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://1255063809")[1].Source)(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == (prefix.."cmds") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."rmeshhats") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."blockhats") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."rmeshtool") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."blocktool") then, if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == (prefix.."spinner") then, local p = Instance.new("RocketPropulsion"), p.Parent = lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == (prefix.."nospinner") then, lplayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Spinner:Destroy(), if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == (prefix.."reachd") then, for i,v in pairs(game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren())do, local a = Instance.new("SelectionBox",v.Handle), lplayer.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools(). ["Text"] = "Hi Welcome to IronMan Simulator Gui", ScreenGui.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, SuitsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0901961, 1, 0.85098), SuitsFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.442181289, 0, 0.328769892, 0), SuitsFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 21), FunctionButtonFrame.Name = "FunctionButtonFrame", FunctionButtonFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), FunctionButtonFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5, FunctionButtonFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 1.03032207, 0), FunctionButtonFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 140, 0, 289), ScrollingFrame.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame, ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), ScrollingFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1, ScrollingFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.0567375869, 0, 0, 0), ScrollingFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 133, 0, 275), Mark12.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark12.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark12.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 7.80730629, 0), Mark12.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark13.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark13.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark13.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark13.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark14.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark14.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark14.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark14.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark19.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark19.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark19.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 4.48101521, 0), Mark19.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark2.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark21.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark21.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark21.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark21.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark23.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark23.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark23.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark23.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark27.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark27.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark27.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark27.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark28.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark28.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark28.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark28.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark3.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark3.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark30.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark30.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark30.Position = UDim2.new(-0.695035458, 0, 9.3435154, 0), Mark30.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark31.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark31.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark31.Position = UDim2.new(-0.439716309, 0, 9.05913639, 0), Mark31.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark33.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark33.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark33.Position = UDim2.new(0.638297856, 0, 9.18121338, 0), Mark33.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark4.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark4.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 6.0524435, 0), Mark4.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark40.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark40.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark40.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark40.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark6.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark6.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark6.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark6.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark9.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark9.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark9.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark9.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mark20.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mark20.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mark20.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Mark20.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Ironlad.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Ironlad.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Ironlad.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 9.33815861, 0), Ironlad.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, closeSuitFrame.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame, closeSuitFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), closeSuitFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1, closeSuitFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.868402421, 0, -0.0867609233, 0), closeSuitFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 19, 0, 21), closeSuitFrame.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold, closeSuitFrame.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Title.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title.Position = UDim2.new(0.258460075, 0, -1.03350544, 0), Title_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.329381615, 0, 0.0141136535, 0), ModsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0901961, 1, 0.85098), ModsFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.441944301, 0, 0.296888858, 0), ModsFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 21), FunctionButtonFrame_2.Name = "FunctionButtonFrame", FunctionButtonFrame_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_2.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5, FunctionButtonFrame_2.BorderSizePixel = 0, FunctionButtonFrame_2.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.95238167, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 261), UIListLayout_2.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_2, Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Frame.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00709219836, 0, 0.108843535, 0), namebox.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 1, 0.498039), namebox.BackgroundTransparency = 0.60000002384186, namebox.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00106382323, 0, 0.523966491, 0), Title_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_3.Position = UDim2.new(0.166261271, 0, -0.985886335, 0), closeModsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), closeModsFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1, closeModsFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.854167163, 0, -0.095238097, 0), closeModsFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 21, 0, 21), closeModsFrame.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold, closeModsFrame.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Title_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_4.Position = UDim2.new(0.265551835, 0, -0.0335053913, 0), AutoArrest.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), AutoArrest.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, AutoArrest.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00709219836, 0, 4.385777, 0), AutoArrest.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 21), AutoArrest.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), AutoArrest.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Eject.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Eject.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Eject.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 5.95720577, 0), Eject.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, RevizAdmin.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), RevizAdmin.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, RevizAdmin.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 10.4333954, 0), RevizAdmin.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 21), RevizAdmin.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), RevizAdmin.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Speed.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Speed.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Speed.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 8.86196804, 0), Speed.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, ToogleMask.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), ToogleMask.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, ToogleMask.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 7.43339634, 0), ToogleMask.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 21), ToogleMask.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), ToogleMask.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, HelpFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0901961, 1, 0.85098), HelpFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.406306416, 0, 0.328726739, 0), HelpFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 212, 0, 21), FunctionButtonFrame_3.Name = "FunctionButtonFrame", FunctionButtonFrame_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_3.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5, FunctionButtonFrame_3.BorderSizePixel = 0, FunctionButtonFrame_3.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.952380955, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 212, 0, 291), ImageLabel.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_3, ImageLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), ImageLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.325471699, 0, 0.00687285233, 0), ImageLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 74, 0, 75), ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://3102395190", TextLabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.0424528308, 0, 0.264604807, 0), TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(0, 194, 0, 41), TextLabel.Text = "Q:What does the suit button does?\nA:That send you suit ", TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_2.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_3, TextLabel_2.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_2.Position = UDim2.new(0.0330188684, 0, 0.405498296, 0), TextLabel_2.Size = UDim2.new(0, 194, 0, 41), TextLabel_2.Text = "Q: How to kill Others/everyone?\nA:type Others/all for kill them", TextLabel_2.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_3.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_3, TextLabel_3.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_3.Position = UDim2.new(-0.0188679248, 0, 0.556701005, 0), TextLabel_3.Size = UDim2.new(0, 194, 0, 41), TextLabel_3.Text = "Q: How to use Speed?\nA: Hold c for speed :P", TextLabel_3.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_4.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_3, TextLabel_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextLabel_4.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0.711340189, 0), TextLabel_4.Size = UDim2.new(0, 194, 0, 41), TextLabel_4.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Title_5.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_5.Position = UDim2.new(0.44456315, 0, -1.03350544, 0), CloseHelp.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), CloseHelp.Position = UDim2.new(0.915094316, 0, 0, 0), CloseHelp.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold, CloseHelp.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), Title_6.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_6.Position = UDim2.new(0.387503058, 0, 0.0141136572, 0), Menu.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.0901961, 1, 0.85098), Menu.Position = UDim2.new(0.899059296, 0, 0.353371888, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_4.Name = "FunctionButtonFrame", FunctionButtonFrame_4.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_4.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5, FunctionButtonFrame_4.BorderSizePixel = 0, FunctionButtonFrame_4.Position = UDim2.new(-0.00230115536, 0, 1.03032434, 0), FunctionButtonFrame_4.Size = UDim2.new(0, 141, 0, 96), UIListLayout_3.Parent = FunctionButtonFrame_4, Suits.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Suits.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Suits.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 7.8143487, 0), Suits.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Help.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Help.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Help.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 7.8143487, 0), Help.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Mods.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0), Mods.BackgroundTransparency = 0.94999998807907, Mods.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 7.8143487, 0), Mods.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, Title_7.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_7.Position = UDim2.new(0.258460075, 0, -1.03350544, 0), close.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), close.Position = UDim2.new(0.868351996, 0, -0.081461221, 0), Title_8.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0.258824, 0.780392), Title_8.Position = UDim2.new(0.215906024, 0, -0.0811244398, 0), function SCRIPT_LNSF65_FAKESCRIPT() -- SuitsFrame.Script, script.Parent.Parent.SuitsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(SCRIPT_LNSF65_FAKESCRIPT)), function SCRIPT_YQFF70_FAKESCRIPT() -- ModsFrame.Script, script.Parent.Parent.ModsFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(SCRIPT_YQFF70_FAKESCRIPT)), function SCRIPT_RICS81_FAKESCRIPT() -- HelpFrame.Script, script.Parent.Parent.HelpFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(SCRIPT_RICS81_FAKESCRIPT)), function SCRIPT_SHTN69_FAKESCRIPT() -- Menu.Script, script.Parent.Parent.Menu.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromHSV(hue, 1, 1), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(SCRIPT_SHTN69_FAKESCRIPT)), Mods.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ---ModsFrame, Help.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ---Help frame, Suits.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() ---Suit Frame, Mark2.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark2", 0, 0), Mark3.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark3", 0, 0), Mark4.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark4", 0, 0), Mark6.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark6", 0, 0), Mark9.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark9", 0, 0), Mark12.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark12", 0, 0), Mark13.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark13", 0, 0), Mark14.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark14", 0, 0), Mark19.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark19", 0, 0), Mark21.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark21", 0, 0), Mark23.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark23", 0, 0), Mark27.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark27", 0, 0), Mark28.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark28", 0, 0), Mark30.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark30", 0, 0), Mark31.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark31", 0, 0), Mark33.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark33", 0, 0), Mark40.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark40", 0, 0), Ironlad.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("IronLad", 0, 0), Mark20.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack.ironMan.Assets.Events.callSuit:FireServer("Mark20", 0, 0), closeModsFrame.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), CloseHelp.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), closeSuitFrame.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), close.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()---MenuFrame, Speed.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()---MenuFrame, velocity.maxForce = Vector3.new(100000, 0, 100000), gyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100000, 0, 100000), local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid, velocity.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso, velocity.velocity = (hum.MoveDirection) * speed, gyro.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso, local refpos = gyro.Parent.Position + (gyro.Parent.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * 5, gyro.cframe = CFrame.new(gyro.Parent.Position, Vector3.new(refpos.x, gyro.Parent.Position.y, refpos.z)), mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k) if k:lower()=="c"then onButton1Down(mouse)end end), mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(k) if k:lower()=="c"then onButton1Up(mouse)end end), onSelected(game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()), RevizAdmin.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()---MenuFrame, -- Credits to infinite yield, harkinian, dex creators. 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Morrisons Scheme Of Arrangement,
Hunting Wild Dogs Australia,
Articles I